Sevika Sangham
The role of women in the ministry of the Mar Thoma Church has been historically significant and is highly valued. The Mar Thoma Church recognizes that women are called to be ambassadors on Earth, and their contributions are vital to the overall mission and growth of the church. The Sevika Sangham, or Women's Ministry, is an essential and integral part of the Mar Thoma Church. It was officially established during the Maramon Convention in 1919 with the primary purpose of addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of its members within the church and society.
Membership in the Sevika Sangham is open to every woman in the Mar Thoma Church who is above the age of 18 years. This inclusive approach ensures that women of all ages have the opportunity to participate and contribute to the various activities and initiatives undertaken by the organization. The motto of the Sevika Sangham, 'Service and Evangelism, in the life and mission of the Mar Thoma Church,' reflects the organization's commitment to service-oriented activities and spreading the message of Christ's love and teachings.
In Seattle, the Marthoma Sevika Sangham was formed in 1990, representing a local chapter of the broader Women's Ministry. The members of the Seattle Sevika Sangham gather together once a month at church or homes for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship, under the guidance and leadership of the Vicar. The World Day of Prayer and Sevika Sangham Day are observed each year where the women assist and actively participate in the worship service on these special occasions. To fund various charitable projects, the Seattle Marthoma Sevika Sangham engages in annual auctions and receives generous support from its members. The money raised through these endeavors is used to support different initiatives, such as Medical Aid, Marriage Aid, and Educational Aid. These projects are geared towards providing assistance and support to those in need.
Overall, the Seattle Marthoma Sevika Sangham, plays a crucial role in empowering women, fostering spiritual growth, and extending a helping hand to those requiring support and care and continue to make a positive impact both within the church and the broader society.
Secretary: Mrs. Mary George
Email: mtcsevikasangham@gmail.com